International Trading of Polymers and Petrochemicals

Staff policy

The KARTLI Group of Companies employs a multinational team of professionals, with a relationship between the employer and employees based on the principle of fair partnership.

In the process of forming professional staff, KARTLI developed a personnel management strategy aimed at:

- Motivation of each employee to achieve corporate goals;

- An objective assessment of the degree of achievement of results by each employee;

- Increasing the effectiveness of work at all levels;

- Ensuring effective use of capabilities and potential of each employee;

- Training and development, human resources planning;

- Creation of an effective system of motivation;

- Continuous and dynamic development of the organization.

The introduction of modern methods of estimation and preparation of experts carry out the development and career growth of the personnel. Corporate training programs promote enhancing the professional level of annual attestation of all employees, including executive managers.

The remuneration structure includes a permanent part - basic compensation and a variable part - a reward that depends on the achievement of key performance indicators and compliance with the corporate culture and values of the company.

Each employee makes their contribution to the development of the company, sharing common values: commitment to results, cooperation, and teamwork, trust, mutual respect and reliability, development, initiative, and leadership.

The KARTLI group of companies provides its employees with decent working conditions, fair rewards, social guarantees, and opportunities for professional and career growth. We focus on the further development of the company and disclosure of potential in each employee.